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Commonly open port ranges

Some applications such as MOSH or KDE Connect are just so practical, but they open so many ports in firewall and who is to guarantee lazy sysadmin won’t abuse those for something else without even thinking about backdoors?

The following list is based on my other notes and /usr/lib/firewalld/services/

Services doing it right?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <short>Multicast DNS (mDNS)</short>
  <description>mDNS provides the ability to use DNS programming interfaces, packet formats and operating semantics in a small network without a conventional DNS server. If you plan to use Avahi, do not disable this option.</description>
    port="5353" />
    ipv6="ff02::fb" />

Note the destinations! Maybe I should copy that for some of my services like NTP.

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Dear reader, you may be missing a content blocker! 🙀 Please consider installing one to protect yourself, and your close ones, from manipulation and targeted malvertising! Personally I love both Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin (with EFF DNT Policy Allowlist) together, while AdNauseam alone would be more direct protest tool to oppose how the internet is nowadays. Android users may be better served by Rethink while for iOS there is AdGuard. Learn more about targeted advertising! PS. I am sorry if you are already protected and this silly EasyList targeting(?) script doesn't detect that, thank you for taking the steps towards a safer internet! 💜